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    White Paper, CX in Ecommerce

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    E-commerce around the world has been growing steadily over the past few years. It is predicted that global sales in 2020 will cross $3.9 trillion. According to a report by eMarkecter, Asia- Pacific region tops in the no. of ecommerce sales with China and India leading the race. These figures show that the potential in 2020 is huge- but to make the most of it, organizations have to ensure that they retain existing customers along with adding new customers to their database.

    While product and pricing are important, providing outstanding customer service stimulates multiplier effect that no amount of marketing can replicate. It is important to understand here that the key to delivering excellent customer service is to figuring out customer expectations. According to a McKinsey report, 75% of online shoppers expect response/ help within five minutes. Hence, this becomes the first crucial challenge for any ecommerce business- to provide fast, personalized responses.

    It is not easy to provide quality personalized responses quickly until one gets the complete view of the customer. This becomes a challenge again! According to Accenture, 78% of customers get irritated with speaking about their booking/order details repeatedly. Hence, getting a 360˚ view of their clientele including their transaction history and previous communications becomes all the more crucial to provide prompt responses.

    Customer service still needs more elements to it even if the complete view of a customer is available. A connection can be established if the communication is effective and an effective communication depends largely on the language used for communicating. A survey of 3000 online shoppers in 10 countries done by Common Sense Advisory revealed that 74% of them are keen to shop from the same brand again if the post purchase care is in their own language.

    Thus, it is high time to realize that one language cannot be considered as the universal language to deal with all customers.

    Furthermore, the online visibility of customers is increasing rapidly today, thanks to digital technologies and high- speed internet. It hence, becomes super important for e-commerce organizations to ensure consistent omnichannel customer experience. By addressing the above four critical challenges, an e-commerce business can attempt to make at least 20% customers happy, who will positively drive 80% of its sales.

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    We have extensive experience in taking care of e-commerce partners through our:

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    JindalX is a global business outsourcing company creating success stories for over 20 years. We’re the dreamers, creators, and innovators with a vision to help our business partners, clients, and people achieve exponential growth.

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