Voice and Non-Voice Process: Which is More Effective in Your Customers’ Journey?

    manoj matai
    Manoj Matai

    In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, delivering a superior customer experience (CX) that meets the digital customer expectations is the key to organizations’ growth.

    According to Research and Markets, the global market for Call Centers is projected to reach a revised size of US$494.7 Billion by 2030 growing at a CAGR of 5.8%.

    A smart interplay of voice and non-voice processes allows businesses to offer best-in-class support. Companies often face the challenging decision of choosing between the two for their customer support operations.

    Voice processes involve direct interaction between customer service representatives and customers via phone calls, while non-voice processes utilize alternative communication channels such as emails, chat support outsourcing, or social media.

    Today’s customers are more inclined towards digital channels however, this does not make telephony obsolete. The adoption of associated technologies like AI, IVR, CRM, cloud-based software and have also made a significant difference in the customer service process.

    Before we take a call on which process is better, let’s look into some primary factors differentiating between them for making informed decisions.

    Voice Vs. Non-Voice Processes: How it matters?

    According to the Salesforce’s survey report 2022, 96% of customers believe that better customer service builds trust and around 48% of customers switch brands due to better customer service offered by the competitors.

    Hence, today’s businesses are putting greater emphasis on customer satisfaction than other parameters.

    With ever-advancing technologies, Omnichannel contact centers are becoming a standard. Also, the application of Artificial intelligence (AI) is also evolving in the form of data analytics software, AI-driven chatbots, etc.

    Before going in depth of the processes, let’s have a look at some of the tools preferred by modernized call centers.

    -Help desk software
    -CRM software
    -Desktop softphone and mobile app
    -Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
    -Automatic Call Distribution (ACD)
    -Call scripting
    -Call recording
    -Call queue
    -Call Barging
    -Dashboards & call analytics
    -Customer satisfaction surveys

    Voice processes have long been the traditional method of customer support and are widely used across industries. They offer several distinct advantages. Firstly, voice interactions provide a personalized touch, enabling customers to engage in real-time conversations and receive immediate assistance.

    This direct human connection can foster trust, empathy, and stronger customer relationships. Additionally, they allow for effective problem-solving as agents can ask clarifying questions and provide detailed explanations, reducing the chances of miscommunication.

    Furthermore, voice processes also come with their own set of challenges. Long wait times, especially during peak hours, can lead to customer frustration. Additionally, language barriers or accents may hinder effective communication, potentially causing misunderstandings. Furthermore, they require higher staffing levels and infrastructure costs, making them more resource-intensive for businesses.

    Non-Voice processes

    Non-voice processes have gained significant popularity with the rise of digital communication channels. They offer several advantages that appeal to both businesses and customers. Firstly, they provide customers with the flexibility to seek assistance at their convenience, without being tied to specific working hours. Emails, chat support outsourcing, and social media interactions allow customers to articulate their issues clearly and provide supporting documentation if necessary. Moreover, they enable simultaneous handling of multiple customer queries for businesses, improving overall efficiency.

    However, these processes also have their limitations. The absence of real-time communication can lead to delays in issue resolution, as responses may take longer. Additionally, written communication lacks the personal touch of voice interactions, which can sometimes result in a less engaging customer experience. Misinterpretations of messages or tone can occur in written communication, leading to misunderstandings and dissatisfaction.

    Role of Technology to Revolutionize the CX

    Technology plays a crucial role in enhancing both processes, revolutionizing customer service operations and improving overall efficiency. Let’s explore how technology can empower and optimize these processes:

    How is technology constantly evolving the Voice processes?

    a.) Call Center Solutions: Advanced telephony systems, automatic call distribution (ACD), and interactive voice response (IVR) systems enable efficient call routing, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction.

    b.) Voice Analytics: Technologies like speech recognition and natural language processing (NLP) analyze voice interactions to extract valuable insights, identify customer sentiments, and monitor agent performance, enabling organizations to make data-driven improvements.

    c.) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration: Integrating with CRM systems allows agents to access customer data, history, and previous interactions, enabling personalized and informed conversations.

    d.) Virtual Assistants and Chatbots: AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots can handle common customer queries, reducing agent workload and providing 24/7 support. These technologies utilize voice recognition and synthesis to interact with customers in a conversational manner.

    What’s the role of technology in empowering the non-Voice processes?

    a.) Email Management Systems: Robust email management software automates email categorization, routing, and prioritization, ensuring prompt responses and efficient handling of customer inquiries.

    b.) Live Chat and Chat Support: Real-time chat platforms facilitate instant communication between customers and agents, enabling quick issue resolution and improving customer experience. Features like canned responses, chat transcripts, and chatbot integration further enhance efficiency.

    c.) Social Media Management Tools: Social media monitoring and management tools help track and respond to customer queries, complaints, and feedback on various platforms, allowing businesses to engage with customers proactively and manage their online reputation effectively.

    d.) Self-Service Portals and Knowledge Bases: Technology enables the creation of self-service portals and knowledge bases (FAQs), empowering customers to find answers to common questions and troubleshoot issues independently. This reduces the need for agent intervention and improves customer satisfaction.

    Overall Technological Advancements

    a.) Data Analytics and Reporting: Advanced analytics tools enable businesses to analyze customer data, identify patterns, and gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. This information can be utilized to personalize interactions, predict customer needs, and improve the overall customer experience.

    b.) Omnichannel Integration: Technology facilitates seamless integration of multiple communication channels, allowing customers to switch between voice and non-voice channels while maintaining context. This provides a consistent and cohesive customer experience across various touchpoints.

    c.) Automation and AI: Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and AI technologies can automate repetitive tasks, streamline workflows, and augment human capabilities. This enables agents to focus on more complex issues, improving efficiency and reducing response times.

    Leveraging advanced technologies and proesses allows for better data-driven decision-making, improves customer satisfaction, and optimizes resource allocation, ultimately leading to improved business outcomes.

    choosing bw voice and non voice process

    How to Make a Smart Move while Selecting Voice or Non-Voice?

    Choosing between these for your business requires careful consideration of your specific needs and goals. Here are some aspects to consider before finalizing your decision:

    Nature of Customer Queries

    Analyze the types of queries your business typically receives. They are ideal for complex or sensitive issues that require immediate attention and real-time conversation. Non-voice processes, on the other hand, are suitable for queries that can be effectively addressed through written communication, such as general inquiries, technical support, or order tracking.

    Customer Preferences

    Understand your target audience and their preferred communication channels. Some customers may prefer the convenience and flexibility of non-voice options like email or chat support outsourcing, while others may value the personal touch and reassurance of speaking to a live representative via phone. Consider conducting customer surveys or analyzing customer feedback to gauge their preferences.

    Response Time Requirements

    Evaluate the expected response time for customer queries. Some processes allow for immediate assistance and real-time problem-solving, which is beneficial for urgent or time-sensitive matters. While other processes may have longer response times due to the asynchronous nature of communication, they are better suited for queries that can tolerate slightly delayed responses.

    Scalability and Efficiency

    Assess the scalability and efficiency of your customer support operations. Some processes typically require more staff and infrastructure resources to handle a high volume of calls during peak periods.

    Resource Allocation

    Consider your budget and resource constraints. Businesses often involve higher costs due to the need for trained customer service representatives and telephony infrastructure.

    Integration with Technology

    Consider the level of technology integration required for your customer support processes. Voice processes may require a robust telephony system, call recording, and voice analytics tools. Non-voice processes often rely on customer relationship management (CRM) software, email management systems, chatbot integration, and social media monitoring tools. Choose the option that best integrates with your existing technology infrastructure and supports your desired level of automation.

    Flexibility and Channel Diversity

    Evaluate the need for multiple communication channels to cater to diverse customer preferences. Offering both voice and non-voice options can provide flexibility and convenience for your customers. By incorporating a multi-channel approach, you can allow customers to choose the communication method that suits them best, enhancing their overall experience.

    Remember, the choice between these is not necessarily mutually exclusive. Many businesses adopt a hybrid approach, leveraging the strengths of both methods to create an omnichannel customer support strategy. This allows them to provide a seamless and comprehensive customer experience while optimizing resource allocation.

    Ultimately, selection should be driven by a thorough understanding of your business requirements, customer preferences, and the resources available to you. By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and delivers exceptional customer service.

    Pros and Cons of Voice and Non-Voice Processes in Customer Service

    Both processes have their own advantages and disadvantages in customer service. One excels in providing personalized, real-time communication, while the other offers multitasking efficiency and flexibility. Ultimately, businesses should consider their specific customer base, industry requirements, and resources available to determine the best combination of these processes for optimal customer service delivery.

    1. Voice Process

    Personalized Communication: It allows for real-time, personalized communication with customers. Representatives can address concerns, provide support, and build rapport by directly interacting with customers over the phone.
    Limited Multitasking: Representatives can handle only one call at a time, which may limit productivity and efficiency compared to other processes that allow handling multiple interactions simultaneously.
    Immediate Issue Resolution: It enables quick issue resolution as representatives can gather information, understand the problem, and provide solutions in real-time during the call.
    Language Barriers and Accent Challenges: In global or multilingual customer service environments, language barriers and accents can sometimes affect effective communication, leading to misunderstandings or difficulties in understanding customer queries.
    Clarification through Tone and Emotion: Verbal communication allows for the use of tone, inflection, and emotion, which can help convey empathy and understanding, enhancing the customer experience.

    2. Non-Voice Processes:

    Multitasking Efficiency: These processes, such as email or chat support, enable representatives to handle multiple customer interactions simultaneously, improving productivity and response times.
    Lack of Personal Connection: Written communication may lack the personal touch and emotional connection that can be established through voice interactions, potentially affecting customer satisfaction.
    Written Documentation: Written communication provides a record of conversations, making it easier to refer back to previous interactions and ensuring accuracy in information exchange.
    Delayed Response Time: These processes typically involve a response time delay as representatives need to review and craft appropriate responses before providing assistance to customers.
    Flexibility and Convenience: They allow customers to reach out at their convenience and provide time for thorough problem-solving without the pressure of real-time communication.
    Misinterpretation of Messages: Without verbal cues like tone and inflection, there is a higher risk of misinterpreting customer queries or providing responses that are not fully aligned with the customer's intention.

    Why JindalX is the Most Suitable CX Business Partner  

    Over the years JindalX has gained a competitive advantage in the marketplace by offering personalized customer service to over 100 businesses across 9 industries globally. Our data-driven operating model, automated distribution systems, omnichannel strategy with trained and development programs helps us nurture right talent and automate repetitive processes that gives excellent deliveries — helping businesses solve critical customer support challenges, drive superior customer experience, and scale seamlessly. 

    A quick peek into portfolio of proprietary applications by JindalX: 



    The voice vs. nonvoice process debate continues to shape the customer service landscape. Businesses must carefully consider the pros and cons of each approach, considering their unique requirements, customer preferences, and available resources. By finding the right balance between the two, organizations can create a customer service strategy that meets the needs of their customers while maximizing efficiency and satisfaction. 

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