Customer Support Service @ Work From Home

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    Mayank Marwaha

    The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic is showing catastrophic consequences worldwide. The disruptions in our day-to-day lives and businesses are beyond imagination. The spread of novel coronavirus, especially in India seems to have fueled the already continuing economic slowdown. Lockdowns and impositions of Section 144 in multiple states have added to the woes of the already crippling economy. In such a grave scenario, it becomes easily understandable that the propensity to consume is decreasing, leading to the instability of businesses.

    Response of BPO firms

    While it is important to generate surplus value to sustain, it becomes all the more critical to focus on health and safety of employees to flourish. Businesses, especially Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firms are cognizant of the above fact and have thus reoriented their strategies to focus on health and safety of their employees while simultaneously concentrating on meeting the customer demands specially for essential services. Amidst the fears of coronavirus spreading like wildfire, BPOs are aggressively pushing for work from home for their employees while deploying business continuity plans to fulfill the requirements of their clients.

    Besides sensitizing all departmental employees and clients on adopting preventive measures, organizations have gone multiple steps further in-

    a) enabling work from home measures
    b) stopping biometrics with immediate effect
    c) sanitizing and disinfecting every corner of offices frequently
    d) ensuring ample availability of sanitizers and handwash
    e) ensuring regular health check-ups and status surveys of employees
    f) real- time monitoring of the prevailing situation and proposing back up plans for business continuity with clients
    g) enabling IVRs/ website notifications/ pop-ups to customers regarding possible delays in services and so on

    Transitioning to Work From Home (WFM)

    While work from home model became paramount to curtail the spread of the super infectious virus, it entailed a whole set of additional measures to ensure business continuity. The transitioning of large volumes of employees to work and win from home is not an easy task. It included identification of employees of all critical lines of businesses, segregating them on the basis of availability of laptops/ desktops at their homes, configuring their systems with Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) and installing all necessary applications, pilot testing of their systems by treating home as a virtual reality in offices, topping up their data plans, documenting and establishing protocols for efficient functioning from homes, marking attendance on the basis of login hours on dialer/ VPN, creating an ad-hoc call center for IT Helpdesk to identify and resolve IT issues post transitioning to working from homes, analyzing and reporting the performances of employees on a real-time basis and so on and so forth.

    Redefining Customer Support Services

    One should not ponder over the fact that the attention on customer service has faded amidst all background preparations for effectively transitioning into work from home. BPOs have rather redefined their customer support services keeping in mind the adverse effects of the novel coronavirus. They have been able to maintain a fine balance between the health of their employees and the services to their customers. Besides making customers aware of their digital capabilities, they continue to make them a part of their transitioning journey. Customers are actively receiving input on multiple steps taken by organizations to ensure safety of their employees. The continuous shift in their needs, priorities and behaviors are carefully evaluated and their feedbacks considered with utmost importance.

    As we continue to face and fight the viral situation today, the Darwinian concept of “survival of the fittest” tends to hold maximum relevance. BPOs today, are determined to make both their employees and customers the fittest individuals on earth for they are well versed with the fact that coping up with coronavirus pandemic is not the task of a one- man army but the focus of an all-men army. Hence, strengthening employees physically and mentally on one hand and providing empathetic services to customers on the other has become the only novel way to ensure sustainability and business continuity with clients.

    At JindalX we have successfully tested and implemented work from home operations for 90% of our workforce and are meeting 100% of our clients’ volumes which include one of the largest food delivery service and an international e-commerce company. We have made sure that all employees understand what is required from them when they work remotely. We are equipped to remotely hire, train and deploy workforce with the ability to quickly scale up as per the changing needs and requirements.

    JindalX Advantage

    We have extensive experience in taking care of our clients’ requirements through our:

    Omni-channel Support – Chat | Email | Voice | Social Media

    • Absolute accuracy & optimum CX with up to 4 concurrent chats
    • Fastest response time and 24×7 support
    • Propensity engines for intelligent solutions and 90% First-Contact-Resolution (FCR)
    • Proactive social media interactions and end-to-end resolution to grievances

    We give what your business needs:

    • Personalized and human-centric customer services
    • Gamification based process training led by technology
    • Customer Engagement for propensity-based x-selling
    • Instant support for abandoned carts via multiple touchpoints
    • BI led ‘JX Techpack’ to give real-time 360º view of operations

    JindalX is a global business outsourcing company creating success stories for over 20 years. We’re the dreamers, creators, and innovators with a vision to help our business partners, clients, and people achieve exponential growth.

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